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Communicating With Symbols Camp 2018

We'd like to thank the following who helped fund our summer camp - Waterman Lions Club, Buffalo Wild Wings, and private donations from friends and family! This year our campers got to experience a variety of community outings such as going to - Batavia Fire Station, Sci-Tech, Midwest Museum of Natural History, St. Charles Bowl, Waterman Lions Park, Blackberry Farm, and Phillips Park Zoo. Check out some of the photos from camp below!













Communicating with Symbols Camp 2015



2015 summer camp was a huge hit! Thanks to Waterman Lions Club, Buffalo Wild Wings, and to family and friends who donated to sponsor these campers! Without your donations this camp would not have been possible this year!

Camp was 8 weeks long for two hours every session. Each week was themed and each session included singing a song, making a craft, making a snack, and a variety of activities. Please enjoy some of the highlights from camp!





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