What is Speech-Language Pathology?
Speech-Language Pathology involves the assessment and treatment of communication disorders. A speech-language pathologist is certified and licensed to conduct evaluations, diagnose speech-language disorders, and provide evidence-based practice intervention based on the child's needs.
​Speech & Language Services
Tiny Voice Therapy Services provide therapy services to children who exhibit or use:
Articulation Disorder
Difficulty making certain sounds
i.e., substituting 'w' for 'r'
Apraxia of Speech
Difficulty producing sounds that effects the child's ability to motor plan the specific sounds consistently
Receptive Language Disorder
Difficulty with understanding language
Child might exhibit difficulty with following directions, answering questions, understanding novel vocabulary, etc.
Expressive Language Disorder
Difficulty with formulating grammatically correct sentences
i.e., I swimmed yesterday
Within word dysfluencies that interrupt the forward flow of speech
Sound syllable repetitions
Sound prologonations
Feeding Difficulties
Children's ability to eat is affected by one or a combination of the following: medical condition (asthma, acid reflux), sensory processing disorder, or oral motor deficits
Central Auditory Processing ​
deficits in internally processing sounds. Children might have difficulty following directions, understanding speech in noisy environments, and distinguishing between similar sounds. ​
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices
The use of gestures, pictures, writing, facial expressions, typing in replacement or to supplement spoken language to express thoughts, needs, and wants
Ranges from low-tech (pictures, gestures) to high-tech AAC device (DynaVox, Accent)
Gestalt Language Processors​​
Delayed echolalia ​
individuals will start communicating with phrases that they have heard from caregivers, Youtube, movies, songs, etc. and progress to freeing words from those phrases
Articles & Resources